Board of Estimate and Contracts — December 18, 2018
A regularly scheduled Board of Estimate and Contracts Meeting was held Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 9:30 am in the Mayor’s Conference Room. The following members of the board were present: Comptroller Deborah Reynolds, City Council President Lisa Copeland, and Mayor Richard Thomas.
The agenda included six (6) items, which fell under the following categories:
— Resolutions
- Authorizing the Department of Public Safety (Parking Bureau) to purchase materials and supplies for the installation of new traffic lights and authorizing the Comptroller to accept funds ($678,600.00)
- Authorizing the transfer of funds within the Department of Planning and Community Development ($11,000.00)
— Settlements
The items were approved by all members of the board.
A discussion arose addressing the Clean Water Act Compliance/Enforcement Issues. It was brought forward to the City Council in June 2018. The City Council has yet to move on it.
To see the full video, please visit: Board of Estimate December 18, 2018
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