Mayor Richard Thomas
1 min readNov 16, 2019

Connecting the Dots on the Political Conspiracy Against Mayor Richard Thomas: Dig Deeper Into County Waste

For years, previous administrations would mix in private carter trash with city trash and take kickbacks — case and point, Memorial Field. When I became Mayor, I worked to stop that bad practice, among other threats to the People. As a result, I, and everyone around me, became a political target. The County Waste event is one of many examples to come that proves the conspiracy against me, my administration, and supporters of mine. Why did the County of Westchester act on an emergency basis to attack Joseph Spiezio III (and his former company), while it appears they knew what was really going on with County Waste? Who really benefited? Perhaps, the truth will come out sooner than we all know?

Mayor Richard Thomas
Mayor Richard Thomas

Written by Mayor Richard Thomas

At 33, Richard Thomas is the youngest Mayor in Mount Vernon history! (2016–2019) Facebook:

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