The PEOPLE of Mount Vernon,
As Mayor, it is my job to set the vision for the city and implement plans to make Mount Vernon better. These efforts have been frustrated by what my pastor calls “jealous haters.” The only way to defeat political fiction is with truth and facts.
The 2019, 1.53% Budget I presented is fact filled and issue based. It stays under the tax cap and complies with the Clean Water Act. The Council President presented changes that resulted in a 15.28% increase which I categorically rejected and offered a rate of 1.53% on Friday (2/1/19).
In the People’s under-the-tax-cap budget proposal, we were able to accommodate the Council’s request to NOT use fund balance. To be fiscally conservative, we used ACTUAL “sales and use” tax revenues authenticated by New York State Comptroller DiNapoli’s office because we believe in Mount Vernon’s local economy. Though we used real facts from New York State, Council President Wallace and Comptroller Deborah Reynolds called them fake! This is false talk and blatant lies.
Community and faith leaders watched the tape of Wallace and Reynold’s rude behavior and called on Wallace and Reynolds to act civilly and respectably work with me to get the people’s business done. Wallace then made more changes with Councilman Marcus Griffith and they arrived at 3.99% by Monday (2/4/19) morning. I still rejected the notion of breaking the tax cap. After Commissioner Brett Erasmus, myself and Councilman Griffith met late Monday (2/4/19) afternoon, we believe we identified another way to achieve a budget under 2%… under the tax cap that incorporates both the City Council’s recommended changes and our necessary priorities to serve the people of Mount Vernon.
While I hope they keep their word and “stop moving the goal post,” until now the Council and Comptroller have only demonstrated intentions to do nothing and block the budget. This is fitting as for the past three years you have read about crises after crises that they have created as part of a massive conspiracy to stop me from serving you.
You and I are tired of Wallace’s and Reynolds’ political ping pong. That is why I offered a sincere olive branch. But Wallace took my kindness for weakness. So here we go- MV Walkout Wallace is using Leadership Theory 101. They CREATE a crisis, they step in and solve it. Then they acquire those followers. WALKOUT WALLACE is running for Mayor. Walkout Wallace is trying to be the Leader (Mayor of MV). Holding the budget hostage to launch his smoke-filled campaign.
Walkout Wallace uses Comptroller to do his dirty work by allowing her to create a Crisis. The Comptroller is doing his evil bidding, so he can appear to step in as the savior. Walkout Wallace’s mistake is Wallace thinks the people are dumb. They see right through Walkout Wallace.
Example: Comptroller Reynolds made sure there was no money even for copy paper, so the Board of Estimate meeting was delayed looking for xerox paper to copy the budget.
The budget process for our city must be transparent to protect the taxpayers. As I continue to embrace the never-ending changes from Wallace in good faith, I will remain patient, swallow my pride and faithfully serve the people to redeem my dignity another day. My objective remains to deliver a budget that is under the tax cap and complies with the Clean Water Act.
For the past three years they have unfunded public safety, jeopardized quality of life, and hurt the City’s reputation resulting in the loss of our Moody’s credit rating. They did this because they desperately want power back to rape the city’s coffers again. I LOVE Mount Vernon and will not stop fighting to fix what’s broken for the People who overwhelmingly deserve to move forward!
Help Me Help YOU inspire others to join the movement to provide a healthy lifestyle and community for all.
Help Me Help YOU bring in jobs and responsible economic development to strengthen city services and reduce the property tax burden.
Help Me Help YOU replace the broken MTA Bridges with a beautiful park that covers the railroad cut to unite the city after a century of division.
Contrary to what the Comptroller and Council would have you believe, WE CAN DO THIS!
As a native son, raising my family here, my interest is and always will be your BEST interest. These are the facts and the truth. Let’s continue to lead with TOUGH love to pull everyone in to make One Mount Vernon!