Mayor Richard Thomas Weekly Report — February 10, 2018
Mayor Thomas joins Mayors and Policy Leaders at
Tech Convening in San Francisco
ATF, DEA, FBI and other top law enforcement agencies join Mayor Thomas
to announce crime-fighting success
Small Business Round Table — Google is Coming to Mount Vernon
Restorative Recycling: Tappan Zee Bridge Steel May Reconnect Mount Vernon, New York
(Deck to cover the Cross County Parkway, not the Saw Mill Parkway as the article states)
Black History Month
Mount Vernon Black Art Showcase
The Potential of Mount Vernon: A Turnaround and Rebirth
Listen to us live:
Mayor Richard Thomas is live and on-the-air several days a week, taking your calls, addressing your concerns, and answering your questions. See the schedule below and be sure to tune in!
On Tuesdays at 7:20 am, Mayor Richard Thomas joins WVOX’s Bob Marrone to discuss pressing political news in Mount Vernon, Westchester County, and the country. You can hear this week’s discussion here.
At 8:30 am, you can hear the Mayor on “Mornings with the Mayor” on 104.5 FM Linkage Radio. Listen to a past week’s episode here.
On Wednesdays, the Mayor heads to Minister Patrick Tyson’s corner on Future FM Radio at 98.9 FM. Catch this week’s episode here.
On Thursdays, Mayor Thomas appears on “Westchester on the Level” BlogTalk Radio hosted by Hezi Aris of the Yonkers Tribune. This week’s interview can be found here. Listen to hear Mount Vernon Mayor Mayor Richard Thomas speak to the streamlining of the filing process for Community Development Block Grants and its impact.
On Fridays, the Mayor joins Fada Gassy for Gloves On Gloves Off on Future FM Radio at 98.9 FM. Catch last week’s episode here.
Mayor Thomas also hosts “Mount Vernon Moving Forward,” every Friday between 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm on WVOX 1460 AM Radio. This is your opportunity to call-in and speak to the Mayor directly. The number is 914–636–0110. You can listen to this week’s show here for conversations with Mayors from across the country from the National League of Cities: Future of Cities summit in San Francisco, CA.