Mayor Richard Thomas Weekly Report — June 15, 2019

Mayor Richard Thomas
5 min readJun 15, 2019




ACCOMPLISHMENTS GALORE: The Real Narrative Continued

Mount Vernon 2019 Fireworks Spectacular!

Don’t Miss It!!!

Mayor Thomas Congratulates 19 Graduates from the Inaugural Mount Vernon Entrepreneurship Training Program

Last Thursday, we graduated 19 Mount Vernon entrepreneurs who completed the Women’s Enterprise Development Center 60-hour Entrepreneur Training program. This was the inaugural class of the Mount Vernon Entrepreneurial Training Program, part of the Mayor’s Healthy Homes Initiative. The goal of the program is to provide high quality business training and advisory services to residents looking to realize their American Dream in the city of Mount Vernon.

Since the class began in February, the students met every Thursday to learn about small business fundamentals from book keeping, marketing, cash management to how to put together a successful business plan. It was an emotional night for many of the graduates who were joined by friends and family.

First, I want to congratulate all the entrepreneurs here tonight,” said Mayor Thomas. “This is the first time we’ve offered this program in our city, and I’m proud of the 19 entrepreneurs that are here tonight graduating. Investing in our small business community has been a major priority for my administration. I want to thank the Women’s Enterprise Development Center for partnering with the City of Mount Vernon to bring this program to our city. I hope be able to visit your business soon.

Redina Hembree, owner of King’s Southern Delight Restaurant located at 284 E. 3rd Street in Mount Vernon, gave the opening remarks. As an alumni and board member of Women’s Enterprise Development Center (WEDC), she talked about her first-hand experience with starting a business in Mount Vernon. “A small business is like a new born child. You have to nurture it in order to make it grow, she said. “You will also have unexpected situations that you must overcome to succeed. By completing this course, you have acquired some of the skills necessary to succeed.” 10 years ago Ms. Hembree completed a similar WEDC entrepreneur training.

Class representative Maalkah Francis, owner of the Zest for Life juice company, thanked Mayor Thomas on behalf of the class for his vision to bring this program to Mount Vernon. The Thomas Administration has worked with WEDC on access to capital and many other small business seminars over the past two years. Funding for the program was provided by the City of Mount Vernon Community Development Grant Program.

For more information on WEDC’s entrepreneur training programs, please visit

Mayor Thomas Wishes the US Army a Happy 244th Birthday


Family & Fun at the Superintendent’s Reading Challenge Carnival

Congratulations to all our hard working students that are making a change for their future. #1MountVernon


Mayor Richard Thomas gives a Proclamation to Mom’s Demand Action. For more info about #WearOrange visit: @momsdemand

Crime is also down. Serious crimes fell from a reported 1,207 incidents in 2012 to 708 in 2018, a 42% decline.

This is a sampling of what’s been done for the people. The fact is we can do even more with cooperation over confrontation. Let’s elevate and keep Mount Vernon moving forward.


Rama Saleh our 9th grader at the Mount Vernon S.T.E.A.M. Academy teaches us about Infrastructure Repairs for Potholes and Sidewalks #Expo


Saturdays with Shah

#MountVernonMountVernon Saturday’s With Shah is headed to 5th Avenue! Meet us there at 10am on 5th Ave between 3rd Street & Sandford blvd this Saturday as we #cleanmv. 🗑💪 Transportation is available on the Stevens Ave side of City Hall at 9:30am. Parking is also available in Lot #1 behind City Hall.


Vendors Wanted: Mayor Richard Thomas Presents: Mount Vernon Farmers Market

Every Thursday from 9am to 3pm from June 6, 2019 to November 21, 2019. Please call the Planning Department at 914.699.7230 for more information.

Safe Haven Summer Day Program

Mayor Richard Thomas & @youthbureaumv Presents: Safe Haven Summer Day Program. @youthbureaumv is still accepting applications & also extended the deadline to June 21st. #1MountVernon

Mayor Richard Thomas calls in to 98.9 FM and Speaks with Father Gassie about Everything Mount Vernon

Listen Live Every Friday at 8:30 AM on Future FM 98.7 or on Facebook at



Mayor Richard Thomas
Mayor Richard Thomas

Written by Mayor Richard Thomas

At 33, Richard Thomas is the youngest Mayor in Mount Vernon history! (2016–2019) Facebook:

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