Mayor Thomas’ Submissions to the City Council
1 min readDec 15, 2018
Mayor Richard Thomas Calls on City Council to hold Special Meeting to Take Action on Three Urgent Matters Facing the City. Specifically, he has asked the council to approve legislation that:
- Will allow the City to receive approximately $2 million in Federal HUD Grants. Failure to act would put these funds at risk.
- Would authorize funding to pay for City and URA audits that are necessary to close the Mount Vernon’s books, thereby making it easier to bond for necessary expenses.
- Would ensure that the 2019 budget contains the necessary funds to fix the City’s sewers and bring Mount Vernon into compliance with the Clean Water Act.
These submissions are attached below:
2. RE: City Council Must Act to Secure Mount Vernon’s Fiscal Future
3. RE: City’s Compliance with Clean Water Act