Response to the Attacks Launched Against Mayor Thomas by City Council President Andre Wallace and the Forces of GREED
In recent days a tremendous number of people have reached out in response to the attacks launched against me by City Council President Andre Wallace and the forces of GREED.
Some people have asked for more background on how we got to this situation, so I’d like to remind the public about some of the disturbing allegations against the City Council President.
Last year State Supreme Court case Bassaly et al. v. Cox, Wallace et al., Index No. 61708/2018 (Sup. Ct, Westchester County) revealed that during the same period as Council President Wallace’s 2016 City Hall break-in at the Planning Department to retrieve “personal items.” Wallace was engaged in questionable business practices that possibly involved some of the parties in the Bassaly federal lawsuit. Allegedly there was a business scheme to purchase dilapidated City owned properties, fix them using a combination of federal and state grants, and then sell them at a tremendous profit.
Court records showed that Wallace was in a heated dispute with his former business partners whom are accusing him of swindling them. “Emails to and from Wallace, as well as voice recordings of various meetings with Wallace which are in possession of defendant Cox directly contradict numerous statements by Wallace in his sworn affidavit,” stated one of Wallace’s legal opponents in the court records.
The Court allowed the estranged investors to intercept rent monies by appointing a receiver of rent that Wallace was collecting at a once-city-owned building he purchased from former Mayor Clinton Young. If the accusations related to Wallace in the Bassaly/Cox case continue to hold merit, then it’s possible that removing records from City Hall in the darkness of night may have been part of a larger, darker scheme. These items are still being explored in both Federal and State Court.