The PEOPLE of Mount Vernon,

Mayor Richard Thomas
5 min readFeb 3, 2019

Thank you for your input in the budget hearing on January 22, 2019. Please know, I have heard your comments regarding the proposed 2019 budget for our dear city.

As Mayor, it is my job and responsibility to present a FACT based and true budget.

The 2019 1.53% Budget is fact-filled and issue-based. It stays under the tax cap and complied with the clean water act.

The Council and Comptroller have NO intention of doing anything to help Mount Vernon, until they destroy our City, keep creating crisis and get me out of office.”


There is NO use of fund balance and we used ACTUAL sales and use tax revenues to be conservative. Our authentic numbers are from NYS Comptroller DiNapoli and for Council President Wallace to call them fake is simple false talk and blatantly a lie.


I, the Mayor, heard the taxpayers and went back and reduced the rate to 1.53% from 2.69%. I reiterate, our, Mayor Thomas 1.53% Budget is fact-filled and issue-based.


You and I are tired of Wallace & Reynolds political ping pong. That is why I offered a sincere olive branch. But Wallace took my kindness for weakness. So here we go- MV Walkout Wallace using Leadership Theory 101. They CREATE a crisis, They step in and solve it. Then they acquire those followers. WALKOUT WALLACE is running for Mayor. A leader is solving what the followers perceive the problem is. Walkout Wallace is trying to be the Leader (Mayor of MV). Holding the budget hostage to launch his smoke-filled campaign.

Walkout Wallace is CREATING A CRISIS. He uses Comptroller to do his dirty work by allowing the Comptroller to create the Crisis. The Comptroller is doing his evil bidding, so he can appear to step in as the savior. Walkout Wallace’s mistake is Wallace thinks the people are dumb. They see right through Walkout Wallace.”

The PEOPLE of MV have spoken.

Example: Comptroller Reynolds made sure there was no money even for copy paper, so the Board of Estimate meeting was delayed looking for Xerox paper to copy the budget.


Let’s get the business done. You actually saw on tape their unwillingness to go through real facts. Loud does not mean right. Wallace talked over me and then proceeded to lie. He has not at any time worked on the budget in good faith. The numbers he gave all of us during the one time we did sit down were appalling, but even then his intent was to prolong the process and harm the people.

Therefore, allow me to provide you with accurate numbers of the proposed 2019 budget.

The budget process for our city must be transparent to protect the taxpayers. As I continue to prepare and submit budget packages that enhance and concentrate on public safety, quality of life, and complying with federal mandates, this budget’s goal remains to chart a new fiscal course for our city. A course that is mindful to avoid significant monetary penalties from the Department of Justice.


“We cannot live in the past because it imperils the future.” -John F. Kennedy.

My vision to educate, inform, and provide a structure that is economically friendly and complies with the Clean Water Act, runs parallel with my vision to educate, inspire and provide a healthy lifestyle and community from all.


Unfortunately, the numbers the comptroller provided to you are erroneous. This is an attempt, to sabotage and mislead, you, the stakeholders, by clouding the hard work my financial literate and accomplished staff and I undertake daily.


In this packet, you will find the justification and needs of our various departments that provide services to our community, (our youth, our seniors etc.) and the vision that this administration has and is working towards to provide the best quality of life as well as building economic development and bringing Mount Vernon to the financially abundant and culturally progressive city we are.

There is in reality, a Mount Vernon attempt to catch up with standard salaries of the cities close to us. We are so very far behind and we NEED QUALIFIED staff to grow, bring in jobs and development, and bring you high end services. So there is catching up to do, contrary to what the Comptroller and Council would have you believe.


My intent is to hold a town hall meeting in the very near future that will allow you to obtain accurate information, hear the justification for the proposed budget, and have a chance to have your questions answered.


I am sorry we have to spend this time and these resources cleaning up the political ping pong game they are playing. Ask Wallace to verify his false statements and he cannot. That is why he walked out. It is his personal agenda or no budget.


As a native son, raising my family here, my interest is and always will be your BEST interest, the facts, and the truth:

One Mount Vernon




Mayor Richard Thomas
Mayor Richard Thomas

Written by Mayor Richard Thomas

At 33, Richard Thomas is the youngest Mayor in Mount Vernon history! (2016–2019) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MayorRichardThomas

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